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Getting Started With Google Takeout (Part 1)

What is Google Takeout? Google Takeout is a service that Google offers its users to make it easy to export and download your data. It is a simple and effective…
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A2Z on Google Calendar -Part 1

    Why we all need a Google Calendar In this era where lots of things are looking for your attention, keeping track of every aspect of your life and staying on…
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Getting Started With Google Takeout (Part 2)

How to Export data using google takeout. The easiest way to use Google Takeout is to head over to the dashboard the Google products are selected by default. To…
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5 ways to reduce your Google Workspace (G Suite ) annual renewal cost.

Every organisation seeks to reduce costs in the most realistic way possible to increase profitability. Labour related costs are one of the biggest costs of many organisations. Google Workspace (G…
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Bulk require user password change in next login in G Suite

As a G Suite administrator, there may be times you require a number of users or all users on your domain to change their password during the immediate next login.…
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Setting up DMARC Authentication for Google G Suite

In earlier posts, we considered how to add an SPF record and a DKIM record to your Google G Suite setup to prevent email spam and fraud. One other key…
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How to set automatic rejection – noreply mailbox – with custom rejection message on G Suite

So, is a mailbox, that will send email to the outside world, but when someone sends an email to it, it will not be delivered and they will receive…
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G Suite: How to divert an email from a particular email address to another email address

As a G Suite administrator, there are times when you will need to re-route messages, these could be either inbound or outbound messages. G Suite provides three different ways you…
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Transferring to a G Suite Partner

[et_pb_section fb_built="1" _builder_version="4.4.2"][et_pb_row _builder_version="4.4.2"][et_pb_column type="4_4" _builder_version="4.4.2"][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.4.2" hover_enabled="0"] Apart from lower fees, there are at least five reasons why you will want to transfer from paying for your G Suite…
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How to get the header of an email in G Mail

There are times that you need the investigate an email. This could be to chech for phishing , find the IP of the email server sending the emal, check if…
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