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Four Critical Web Design Rules

By: Nicholas LaPolla "Content is King! If you want a website to generate back-links and have quality content the search engines love, be sure to make it readable by both…
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Royalty Free Music In Webdesign

By: Russell Brewer Online commercial music is everywhere! New and innovative audio applications include background music for Podcasts, Flash developers, Backing tracks for video, Independent Films, Documentaries, Narratives, Animation Sequencing,…
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What is the color of your website?

By: Shawn Davari Psychology behind the colors that can make or break your website's success. Did you know that the values associated with colors can have a significant impact on…
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How to Optimise Web Pages for AdSense Ads

By: Balraj BaaLee If you are using Google AdSense or any similar program for earning revenue from your web site, then it is high time you realize the secrets of…
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You Can’t Have My Money!

By: If you are a business and expect to be taken seriously on the Internet, you need to shape up and project a professional image. Please don't think this…
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Web Site Design and Choosing the Right Web Design Company

By: Shawn M Hickman It's been several years since you had someone design your company web site and now it's outdated. You are losing business to competitors that have quality…
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Maintaining your company’s website

By: Pegasus Internet technology has progressed by leaps and bounds resulting in number of websites being launched on the internet. When the website gets firmly established on the net your…
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When to let go of your website designing ideas

By: Craig Bucknall As hard as it may be, but letting go of your website designing ideas and listening to the customer may actually be of benefit in the long…
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5 Ways to Increase the PHP Memory Limit in WordPress

In a number of cases such as when you install a lot of plugins, upgrade to the latest WordPress version or even you’ll find an error in your Dashboard widget…
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5 Reasons Why You Need a Website

1. Your Competition Has A Website. If you are in direct competition with another business that has a website, they have a clear advantage - especially if they are adequately…
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