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Website Design

You Can’t Have My Money!

By: If you are a business and expect to be taken seriously on the Internet, you need to shape up and project a professional image. Please don't think this…
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Web Site Design and Choosing the Right Web Design Company

By: Shawn M Hickman It's been several years since you had someone design your company web site and now it's outdated. You are losing business to competitors that have quality…
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When to let go of your website designing ideas

By: Craig Bucknall As hard as it may be, but letting go of your website designing ideas and listening to the customer may actually be of benefit in the long…
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5 Reasons Why You Need a Website

1. Your Competition Has A Website. If you are in direct competition with another business that has a website, they have a clear advantage - especially if they are adequately…
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2 years, 40 Websites and counting

10/10/12 marked our two years aninvesary, in retrospect we are no where near where we want to be but we have come a long way. As head of the webdesign…
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