
G Suite Admin Training

Google Workspace Introduction for Administrators

  • What is Google Workspace
  • Google Workspace Editions: Google Workspace for Work / Education / Government / Non-Profit
  • Applications under Google Workspace
    SLA & Non-SLA Applications
  • Ease of Administration
  • Q & A session

User Management

  • Who is a user in Google Workspace?
  • User Management Methods
  • Creating/Modifying/Deleting/Suspending Users
  • User Deletion vs. Suspension
  • Exporting Users
  • User Privileges/Delegated Administration
  • Q & A

Securing your Google Apps

  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Reset Password
  • Reset Sign-In Cookies
  • Enforce Password Change
  • Understanding Password Strength
    DKIM with Google Workspace
  • Domain-wide SSL Enforcement
  • TLS options while using Google Apps
  • Sharing within AND/OR outside the domain for applications
  • Understanding Single Sign-On authentication with Google Workspace
  • Restricted Delivery / Walled Garden
  • Q & A

Mail Management

  • Understanding Email flow types with Google Workspace Apps
  • Google Mail Severs
  • Inbound/Outbound gateway setup
  • IP White-listing
  • Restricting Email Delivery (Walled Garden)
  • Q & A

Dashboard Introduction for Administrators

  • Getting familiar with the interface
  • Understanding the Google Workspace Dashboard
  • Adding Additional Google services
  • Accessing Applications through the Dashboard
  • Looking at User count and requesting more users
  • Apps Status and Apps Status Dashboard
  • Q & A

Organizational Units (OU) Management

  • What are OUs in Google Workspace Apps
  • Why and How to use them
  • Organizational Units vs Groups
  • Creating/Deleting/Modifying OUs
  • OU based administration
  • Moving users to OUs
  • Q & A

Enhancing User Experience

  • Customizing Look & Feel of your Google Workspace
  • Setting the Default Language & Time zone
  • Understanding Contact Sharing
  • Name Change Flexibility
  • Offline Gmail, Calendar and Docs
    Gmail Labs
  • Voice & Video Chat
  • MS Outlook Connector
  • Email & Calendar Delegation
  • Themes
  • Read Receipts
  • Q & A

Multiple Domains Management

  • Understanding Pros & Cons
  • Domain Alias vs. Secondary Domains
  • When & How to use them
  • Deleting Them – RETHINK
  • Q & A

Google Workspace Apps Marketplace

  • What is it and why should you care
  • Understanding your requirement and exploring the marketplace
  • Security & SLA regarding marketplace applications
  • Subscribing/Unsubscribing applications from marketplace
  • Accessing Marketplace applications
  • Managing Marketplace applications
  • Q & A

Groups Management

  • Understand Groups in Google Workspace
  • Types & usage of different kind of groups in Google Workspace
  • Methods of Creating Groups
  • Understanding Member, Manager and Owner roles
  • Exploring types of Groups and Settings
  • Using Google Groups as a support portal for intranet/internet
  • Q & A

Mobile Management

  • Understanding Mobile Management with Google Workspace
  • Google Sync
  • Activation Policy
  • Various Mobile Device Management Policies
  • Password Length and Policy
  • Remote Wipe
  • Device Lock
  • Camera Lock
  • Q & A

Reporting in Google Apps

  • Types of Reports
  • Graphical & CSV Reports
  • Understanding Audit Logs
  • Understanding the possibility with Reporting API
  • Q & A